An inadequate effort to articulate my aspiration to acquire the skills necessary for creating art
The Author (Inky.ist)
- Was previously a corporate web application developer for a few decades
- Made their first personal website in 1997
- Still owns (well, rents) too many unused domain names
- Has started and quickly abandoned many weirdly named websites
- Has started and quickly abandoned many hobbies
- Is too easily persuaded to buy more art supplies after watching YouTube videos
- Is someone who thinks they now want to make art even though they have no skills
- Is so much better at shopping for art supplies than actually using them
Why Post Mostly Here And Not Social Media Sites?
- No character limit
- More exact details about the tools used
- No dependency on any platform
- Likes don't matter much to the author
Other Places Inky.ist May Lurk With Probably/Usually Much Of The Same Images
For Fellow Nerds
This Website
Images On This Site
- Stored in an Adobe Lightroomcatalog
- Exported out with a long edge of 1000px at 90% quality
- Reduced in size after that using ImageOptim
Other Tools Used