Paper: (010) Tumuarta Brown Journal 5.5x5.5” 25% Cotton (140lb/300g)
Paper: (019) Premium 100% Cotton 3.54x5.1" (weight unknown)
Bottled Ink: (039) Tang Calamus (gladiola color?) Brand: Poetry (!WP)
Dip Pen:
- (006) Tachikawa Comic Pen Nib Holder (T-25)
- (027) Thornward Double Elastic Nib
- (019) Hunt Silverine X-513 Nib
- (Micro Portable Painter 1) Phthalo Blue - Green Shade DS (284600077)
- (Micro Portable Painter 1) AZO Yellow DS (284600215)
Brush: (001) Pocket - A stick of bear hair
- The 25% cotton notebook seems to not handle ink well. Spreads out quite a bit. I may need to use it for pencil only.
- Temu Ink Link
- The Double Elastic Nib will take some practice to control better
- The ink box says "waterproof", but it still bleeds a little even after running a fan on it for a while
Google translation of an ink bottle box. Brand: Poetry Product Name: Fountain pen waterproof color ink
No bleeding into the 100% cotton paper
(A number in parenthesis e.g. (001) is my art supply spreadsheet inventory number.)